The University of Waterloo

Course Selection Offerings List for Undergraduate Students

Spring 2025 (1255)

This information is updated hourly between the hours of 8:30am and 8:30pm.

More detailed course information is available in Quest.

Campus Codes

UW - University of Waterloo - Main     CGC - Conrad Grebel University Coll
STJ - St. Jerome's University     REN - Renison University College
UTD - United College     BLND - Blended - UW Main
BLNDG - Blended - Conrad Grebel     BLNDJ - Blended - St. Jerome's
BLNDR - Blended - Renison     BLNDT - Blended - United
ONLN - Online - UW Main     ONLNG - Online - Conrad Grebel
ONLNJ - Online - St. Jerome's     ONLNR - Online - Renison
ONLNT - Online - United     WLU - Wilfrid Laurier University
ONLNL - Online - Laurier     OFF - Off Campus

SubjectCat NbrTitleTopicCampus   Course Selection Notes
ACTSC 221Intro Fin Math (Non-Spec)UW  
ACTSC 231Intro Financial MathematicsUW  
ACTSC 232Life Contingencies 1UW  
ACTSC 331Life Contingencies 2UW  
ACTSC 363Casualty & Hlth Ins Math 1UW  
ACTSC 372Investment Sci & Corporate FinUW  
ACTSC 431Casualty & Hlth Insur Math 2UW  
ACTSC 432Credibility and Risk TheoryUW  
ACTSC 445Quantitative Ent Risk MgmtUW  Held with ACTSC 845
ACTSC 446Math of Financial MarketsUW  
AE 105Mechanics 2UW  
AE 121Computational MethodsUW  
AE 123Elec Circuits & InstrumentUW  
AE 125Structural Design StudioUW  
AE 199SeminarUW  
AE 279Energy & the EnvironmentUW  
AE 300Architectural Eng Studio 1UW  
AE 303Structural AnalysisUW  
AE 353Soil Mechanics & FoundationsUW  
AE 377Structural Timber DesignUW  
AE 398SeminarUW  
AE 400Project Studio 1UW  
AE 405Bldg Performance Measure LabUW  
AE 450Building Service SystemsUW  
AE 491Engineering Law & EthicsUW  
AE 498SeminarUW  
AE 572Building Energy AnalysisUW  
AFM 101Intro Financial AccountingONLN  
AFM 102Intro Managerial AccountingONLN  
AFM 113Analytic Methods for Bus 2UW  
AFM 121Intro Global Financial MarketsUW  
AFM 182Foundations: Mgmt AccountingUW  
AFM 231Business LawONLN  Accounting students now take AFM 335.
AFM 241Impact of Technology on BusBLND  
AFM 244Analytic Methods for Bus 3BLND  
AFM 272Global Capital MarketsUW  
AFM 273Fin Instruments & Cap MarketsUW  
AFM 274Intro Corporate FinanceUW  
AFM 291Intmd Financial Accounting 1UW  
AFM 311Connections to Ethical ContextUW  
AFM 322Derivative SecuritiesUW  
AFM 324Wealth ManagementUW  
AFM 326Student Venture Fund: AnalystUW  Please be aware an interview/application process may apply for enrollment. If pre-enrolling, you will not automatically be enrolled as you may need to go through an interview process.
AFM 328Investm Mgmt: Jr AnalystUW  Please be aware an interview/application process may apply for enrollment. If pre-enrolling, you will not automatically be enrolled as you may need to go through an interview process.
AFM 329Investm Mgmt: Sr AnalystUW  Please be aware an interview/application process may apply for enrollment. If pre-enrolling, you will not automatically be enrolled as you may need to go through an interview process.
AFM 333International BusinessBLND  
AFM 334International Study ExperienceUW  Please be aware an interview/application process may apply for enrollment. If pre-enrolling, you will not automatically be enrolled as you may need to go through an interview process.
AFM 345Social Media Analytics in BusUW  
AFM 346Predictive Analytics ApplicUW  
AFM 362Corporate TaxationUW  
AFM 377Priv Equity & Venture CapitalUW  
AFM 391Intmd Financial Accounting 2UW  
AFM 424Equity InvestmentsUW  
AFM 426Student Venture Fund: AssocUW  Please be aware an interview/application process may apply for enrollment. If pre-enrolling, you will not automatically be enrolled as you may need to go through an interview process.
AFM 427Intmd Portfolio ManagementUW  
AFM 428Investm Mgmt: Jr Portfolio MgrUW  Please be aware an interview/application process may apply for enrollment. If pre-enrolling, you will not automatically be enrolled as you may need to go through an interview process.
AFM 429Investm Mgmt: Sr Portfolio MgrUW  Please be aware an interview/application process may apply for enrollment. If pre-enrolling, you will not automatically be enrolled as you may need to go through an interview process.
AFM 433Business StrategyUW  
AFM 451Audit StrategyUW  
AFM 452Internal AuditUW  
AFM 480Intro Org BehaviourUW  
AMATH 231Calculus 4UW  
AMATH 242Intro Computational MathUW  held with: CS 371
AMATH 250Intro Differential EquationsUW  
AMATH 250Intro Differential EquationsONLN  
AMATH 332Applied Complex AnalysisUW  held with PMATH 332
AMATH 351Ordinary Diff EquationsUW  
AMATH 353Partial Diff Equations 1UW  
ANTH 100Intro AnthropologyONLN  
ANTH 272Indigenous Communities IssuesUTD  Block course. Course ends June 12, 2025
APPLS 391Intermediate TopicsPhoneticsBLNDR  
APPLS 491Advanced TopicsApplied Linguistics ResearchBLNDR  
ARABIC 101RIntro Arabic 1ONLNR  Students seeking to take their first Arabic course must complete the ARABIC Placement Application Form, which is available online at:
ARBUS 200EntrepreneurshipUW  
ARBUS 202Professional & Business EthicsONLN  Held with PHIL 215
ARBUS 301International BusinessBLND  Held with AFM 333
ARCH 225Contemporary LandscapeUW  For Architecture students only.
ARCH 243Indigenous PracticesUW  For Architecture students only.
ARCH 248Cultural Encounters 1600-1914UW  For Architecture students only.
ARCH 276TimberUW  For Architecture students only.
ARCH 293Design StudioUW  For Architecture students only.
ARCH 463Integrated Env SystemsUW  For Architecture students only.
ARCH 473Technical ReportUW  For Architecture students only.
ARCH 493Stu: Comprehensive Bldg DsgnUW  For Architecture students only.
ARCH 510Topics: Visual & Digital MediaUW  For Architecture students only.
ARCH 510Topics: Visual & Digital MediaUW  For Architecture students only.
ARCH 520Topics: Urbanism & LandscapeEcosystems Desg-Urban LandscapUW  
ARCH 540Topics: Archit Hist & TheoryArchitectural ImaginationsUW  For Architecture students only.
ARCH 570Topics: Building Tech & EnvThe Chair Project Design-BuildUW  For Architecture students only.
ARCH 570Topics: Building Tech & EnvHa/fSem: How Heavy is a City?UW  
ARTS 130Inquiry & CommunicationLanguage of the MediaONLN  
ARTS 130Inquiry & CommunicationEthics of BeliefONLN  
ARTS 130Inquiry & CommunicationSocial Justice and Social Dev.ONLNR  
ARTS 140Information & AnalysisSocial Change & Social DevONLNR  
ARTS 140Information & AnalysisThe Economics of InformationONLN  
ARTS 280Statistics for Arts StudentsONLN  
ARTS 390Topics: Third-Year ArtsThe Wicked Prblm of AccessbltyBLND  Consult website for more information:
ASL 101RAmerican Sign Language 1REN  
AVIA 101Prof Pilot Program Course 1UW  
AVIA 102Prof Pilot Program Course 2UW  
AVIA 204Prof Pilot Program Course 4UW  
AVIA 205Prof Pilot Program Course 5UW  
AVIA 270Remote Piloted Aircraft (RPAS)UW  
AVIA 307Prof Pilot Program Course 7UW  
AVIA 374Special TopicsPrctcl Aviation Prsnl FinanceUW  
AVIA 408Prof Pilot Program Course 8UW  
AVIA 408Prof Pilot Program Course 8OFF  
BET 100Entrepreneurial Pract FoundONLN  
BET 210Business Tech & InfrastructureONLN  
BET 300Venture Creation FoundationsUW  two sections
BET 320Entrepreneurial StrategyUW  
BET 320Entrepreneurial StrategyONLN  
BET 340Entrepreneurial Plan & ExecuteUW  
BET 350Customer Experience DesignONLN  
BET 360Design for Social VenturesONLN  
BET 405Digital TransformationONLN  
BET 420Entrepreneurship Social ImpactUW  
BIOL 235Molecular Biology FoundationsUW  NEW course. If you've completed BIOL 309, you can NOT take BIOL 235.
BIOL 239GeneticsUW  
BIOL 240Fundamentals of MicrobiologyONLN  
BIOL 240LMicrobiology LabUW  
BIOL 241Intro Applied MicrobiologyUW  
BIOL 273Human Physiol Principles 1ONLN  
BIOL 303Intro Dev Biol & EmbryologyUW  
BIOL 308Principles of Molecular BiolUW  
BIOL 312Natural Hist of Aquatic OrgsUW  Limited seating for non Water science students
BIOL 354Environmental ToxicologyUW  Limited seating for non core students
BIOL 359Evolution 1: MechanismsONLN  
BIOL 373Human Physiol Principles 2UW  
BME 202SeminarUW  Only available to 2B BME students
BME 213Stats & Experimental DesignUW  Only available to 2B BME students
BME 252Linear Systems & SignalsUW  Only available to 2B BME students
BME 261Prototype, Simulation & DesignUW  Only available to 2B BME students
BME 284Physiological & Biological SysUW  Only available to 2B BME students
BME 284LPhysiology & Anatomy LabUW  Only available to 2B BME students
BME 294Circuit/Instrument/MeasureUW  Only available to 2B BME students
BME 294LCircuit/Instrument/Measure LabUW  Only available to 2B BME students
BUS 111WUnderstanding Bus. Env. (WLU)WLU  
BUS 121WCrit. Thinking & Comm (WLU)WLU  
BUS 121WCrit. Thinking & Comm (WLU)ONLNL  1255 - cancelled.
BUS 127WIntro to Financial Acc (WLU)WLU  Open to BBA/BMath and BBA/BCS Double Degree students only
BUS 127WIntro to Financial Acc (WLU)ONLNL  
BUS 231WBusiness Law (WLU)WLU  Open to BBA/BMath and BBA/BCS Double Degree students only
BUS 231WBusiness Law (WLU)ONLNL  
BUS 233WPersonal Finance (WLU)ONLNL  
BUS 247WManagerial Accounting (WLU)WLU  Open to BBA/BMath and BBA/BCS Double Degree students only
BUS 247WManagerial Accounting (WLU)ONLNL  
BUS 252WIntro to Marketing Mgmt (WLU)WLU  
BUS 252WIntro to Marketing Mgmt (WLU)ONLNL  
BUS 275WBusiness Decision Models (WLU)WLU  
BUS 275WBusiness Decision Models (WLU)ONLNL  
BUS 283WFinancial Management 1 (WLU)WLU  Open to BBA/BMath and BBA/BCS Double Degree students only
BUS 283WFinancial Management 1 (WLU)ONLNL  
BUS 288WOrganizat'nal Behaviour 1(WLU)WLU  
BUS 301WEntrepreneurial Method (WLU)WLU  
BUS 321WSocial Entrepreneurship (WLU)WLU  
BUS 353WIntro Risk Mang't & Ins. (WLU)WLU  Open to BBA/BMath and BBA/BCS Double Degree students only
BUS 354WHuman Resources Managemen(WLU)WLU  
BUS 354WHuman Resources Managemen(WLU)ONLNL  
BUS 357WTaxation I (WLU)WLU  
BUS 362WApplied Marketing (WLU)WLU  
BUS 375WOperations Management (WLU)WLU  
BUS 381WStrategic Management I (WLU)WLU  
BUS 387WIntermediate Accounting 1(WLU)WLU  Open to BBA/BMath and BBA/BCS Double Degree students only
BUS 393WFinancial Management 2 (WLU)WLU  Open to BBA/BMath and BBA/BCS Double Degree students only
BUS 397WIntermediate Account 2 (WLU)WLU  
BUS 398WOrganizat'nal Behaviour 2(WLU)WLU  Open to BBA/BMath and BBA/BCS Double Degree students only
BUS 400WAdv Equity Analysis 1 (WLU)WLU  Open to BBA/BMath and BBA/BCS Double Degree students only
BUS 408WRecruitment and Selection(WLU)WLU  Open to BBA/BMath and BBA/BCS Double Degree students only
BUS 412WServices Marketing Mgt (WLU)WLU  
BUS 413WPers. Fin. Plan. & Manage(WLU)WLU  
BUS 415WIntro Mgmt Info Systems (WLU)WLU  Open to BBA/BMath and BBA/BCS Double Degree students only
BUS 419WProperty & Liabil Insur (WLU)WLU  Open to BBA/BMath and BBA/BCS Double Degree students only
BUS 422WMarketing Research (WLU)WLU  
BUS 423WOptions, Futures & Swaps(WLU)WLU  Open to BBA/BMath and BBA/BCS Double Degree students only
BUS 430WFin Markts & Sec Trading (WLU)WLU  
BUS 431WMgmt Consulting Practicum (WLUWLU  
BUS 432WConsumer Behaviour (WLU)WLU  Open to BBA/BMath and BBA/BCS Double Degree students only
BUS 433WMgmt of Financial Inst (WLU)WLU  
BUS 442WMarketing & Society (WLU)WLU  
BUS 445WInfo Systems for Supply (WLU)WLU  Open to BBA/BMath and BBA/BCS Double Degree students only
BUS 449WFixed Income Analysis (WLU)WLU  
BUS 452WMarketing Strategy (WLU)WLU  Open to BBA/BMath and BBA/BCS Double Degree students only
BUS 455WTransport & Facilities (WLU)WLU  Open to BBA/BMath and BBA/BCS Double Degree students only
BUS 460WLaurier Start-Up Fund (WLU)WLU  
BUS 463WAdv Corporate Finance (WLU)WLU  
BUS 466WTaxation II (WLU)WLU  Open to BBA/BMath and BBA/BCS Double Degree students only
BUS 467WAdvanced Management Acct (WLU)WLU  
BUS 470WBrand Management (WLU)WLU  Open to BBA/BMath and BBA/BCS Double Degree students only
BUS 472WMarketing Communications(WLU)WLU  
BUS 473WInvestment Management (WLU)WLU  
BUS 474WTraining & Development (WLU)WLU  Open to BBA/BMath and BBA/BCS Double Degree students only
BUS 477WAuditing (WLU)WLU  Open to BBA/BMath and BBA/BCS Double Degree students only
BUS 479WHigh-Tech Marketing (WLU)WLU  Open to BBA/BMath and BBA/BCS Double Degree students only
BUS 480WIndependent Research (WLU)WLU  
BUS 481WStrategic Management I (WLU)WLU  
BUS 485WEnviron Manag for Operat (WLU)WLU  
BUS 486WData Analytics & Acc Sys (WLU)WLU  Open to BBA/BMath and BBA/BCS Double Degree students only
BUS 487WAdvanced Accounting (WLU)WLU  Open to BBA/BMath and BBA/BCS Double Degree students only
BUS 490WMajor Project (WLU)WLU  
BUS 491WStrategic Management II (WLU)WLU  
BUS 493WSeminar in Finance (WLU)WLU  
CDNST 101Intro Canadian StudiesONLNT  
CHE 101Chemical Eng Concepts 2UW  
CHE 102Chemistry for EngineersUW  
CHE 102Chemistry for EngineersONLN  
CHE 161Engineering BiologyUW  
CHE 181Design Studio 2UW  
CHE 202SeminarUW  
CHE 211Fluid MechanicsUW  
CHE 225Strategies for Process ImproveUW  
CHE 231Physical Chemistry 2UW  
CHE 241Materials Sci & EngUW  
CHE 291Chemical Engineering Lab 2UW  
CHE 299Directed Research ProjectUW  
CHE 301SeminarUW  
CHE 312Math of Heat & Mass TransferUW  
CHE 314Chemical Reaction EngineeringUW  
CHE 322Num Meth: Process AnalysisUW  
CHE 330Chemical Eng ThermodynamicsUW  
CHE 390Chemical Engineering Lab 3UW  
CHE 398Directed Research ProjectUW  
CHEM 120General Chemistry 1ONLN  
CHEM 120LGeneral Chemistry Lab 1UW  
CHEM 123General Chemistry 2UW  
CHEM 123LGeneral Chemistry Lab 2UW  
CHEM 140Intro Scientific CalculationsONLN  
CHEM 212Structure & BondingUW  
CHEM 221Multi-Component AnalysisUW  
CHEM 224LAnalytical Instrumentation LabUW  
CHEM 233Biochemistry FundamentalsUW  
CHEM 233LFundamentals of Biochem LabUW  
CHEM 237Intro BiochemistryUW  
CHEM 237LIntro Biochemistry LabUW  
CHEM 254Intro Chemical ThermodynamicsUW  
CHEM 264Organic Chemistry 1UW  Intended for Honours Chem and Biochem; non-science students should consider CHEM 266.
CHEM 265Organic Chemistry 2UW  
CHEM 265LOrganic Chemistry Lab 1UW  
CHEM 266Basic Organic Chemistry 1ONLN  
CHEM 266LOrganic Chemistry LabUW  
CHEM 392AResearch Project 1UW  Instructor permission required. Exchange students only.
CHEM 392BResearch Project 2UW  Instructor permission required. Exchange students only.
CHEM 494AResearch ProjectUW  Please contact Chemistry faculty directly to arrange a supervisor for your project.
CHEM 494BResearch ProjectUW  
CHEM 497Advanced Research ProjectUW  Instructor permission required. Exchange students only.
CHINA 101RFirst-Year Chinese 1REN  Students seeking to take their first Chinese course must complete a CHINA Placement Application Form, which is available online at:
CHINA 102RFirst-Year Chinese 2REN  
CHINA 120RAdvanced First-Year ChineseREN  Students seeking to take their first Chinese course must complete a CHINA Placement Application Form, which is available online at:
CHINA 201RSecond-Year Chinese 1REN  
CHINA 302RThird-Year Chinese 2REN  
CI 100Cultural Identities TodayONLN  
CIVE 105Mechanics 2UW  
CIVE 205Solid Mechanics 2UW  
CIVE 222Differential EquationsUW  
CIVE 230Eng & Sustainable DevUW  
CIVE 280Fluid MechanicsUW  
CIVE 299SeminarUW  
CIVE 392Econ & Life Cycle Cost AnalUW  
CIVE 400Design Project 1UW  
CIVE 413Structural Steel DesignUW  
CIVE 414Structural Concrete DesignUW  
CIVE 484Physical Infrastruct PlanningUW  To be held with PLAN 484
CIVE 491Engineering Law & EthicsUW  
CIVE 498SeminarUW  
CIVE 505Structural DynamicsUW  
CIVE 596Construction EngineeringUW  
CLAS 104Classical MythologyONLN  
CLAS 202Love, Life & Death in RomeONLN  
CLAS 261Great Works: Ancient & MedvlONLN  
CO 250Intro OptimizationUW  
CO 250Intro OptimizationONLN  
CO 327Deter OR Models (Non-Spec)UW  
CO 342Intro Graph TheoryUW  
CO 351Network Flow TheoryUW  
CO 432Info Theory & ApplicationsUW  
CO 446Matroid TheoryUW  
CO 454SchedulingUW  
CO 471Semidefinite OptimizationUW  
CO 480History of MathematicsUW  
COMM 101Intro Financial MarketsUW  
COMM 321Intmd Acct for FinanceUW  
COMM 433Income Tax (Finance Students)UW  
COMMST 100Interpersonal CommunicationUW  
COMMST 149Intro Critical Design PracticeBLND  Held with: THPERF 149, DAC 209
COMMST 193Communication in the SciencesCommunication in the Phys SciUW  
COMMST 220Performance StudiesUW  Held with: THPERF 220
COMMST 223Public SpeakingUW  Must attend first class.
COMMST 225InterviewingUW  
COMMST 228Public CommunicationUW  Priority enrolment for Communication Arts students.
COMMST 325Organizational CommunicationUW  
COMMST 431Crisis CommunicationUW  
CS 100Intro Computing Through ApplicUW  
CS 115Intro Computer Science 1ONLN  
CS 116Intro Computer Science 2ONLN  
CS 136Elem Algo Dsgn & Data AbstracUW  
CS 136LTools & Tech for Software DevUW  
CS 200Concept for Adv Computer UsageUW  
CS 230Intro Computers & Comp SysUW  
CS 231Algorithmic Problem SolvingONLN  
CS 234Data Types & StructuresONLN  
CS 240Data Structures & Data MgmtUW  
CS 240EData Structure & Mgmt (Enrich)UW  
CS 241Found of Sequential ProgramsUW  
CS 245Logic & ComputationUW  
CS 246Obj-Oriented Soft DevUW  
CS 247Software Eng PrinciplesUW  
CS 251Computer Organization & DesignUW  
CS 330Management Information SystemsUW  
CS 338Comp Applic in Bus DatabasesUW  
CS 341AlgorithmsUW  
CS 348Intro Database ManagementUW  
CS 349User InterfacesUW  
CS 350Operating SystemsUW  
CS 360Intro Theory of ComputingUW  Cancelled
CS 370Numerical ComputationUW  
CS 371Intro Computational MathUW  
CS 445Software Req Specif & AnalysisUW  
CS 446Software Design & ArchitUW  
CS 449Human-Computer InteractionUW  
CS 452Real-Time ProgrammingUW  
CS 453Software & Systems SecurityUW  
CS 456Computer NetworksUW  
CS 459Privacy, Crypto & SecurityUW  
CS 466Algorithm Design & AnalysisUW  
CS 475Computational Linear AlgebraUW  
CS 480Intro Machine LearningUW  
CS 486Intro Artificial IntelligenceUW  
CS 488Intro Computer GraphicsUW  
CS 489Advanced TopicsSoftware DeliveryUW  This course introduces the fundamental and modern concepts, tools, and approaches involved in delivering software to consumers. Modern software delivery teams are tasked with selecting appropriate software delivery tools and assembling them to produce integration, release, and deployment (a.k.a., DevOps) pipelines that connect development, release, and operations processes. Through the course material, students will gain experience in developing integration, release, and deployment pipelines. More specifically, students will: * develop an understanding of the scope and challenges of modern software delivery * learn to leverage several key software delivery tools (build and test automation, infrastructure-as-code, version control automation) * study and improve upon existing open-source integration, release, and deployment pipelines [Audience] Fourth year CS students or first year CS graduate students. Prerequisites: CS350 Antirequisites: None Successors: None
CS 489Advanced TopicsCarlo Methods:Adv ApplicationsUW  Cancelled 1255
CS 490Information Systems ManagementUW  
CS 492Social Implications of CompUW  
CS 493Team Project 1UW  
DAC 201Designing Digital MediaUW  Held With: ENGL 203
DAC 202Designing Digital VideoUW  Held With: ENGL 204
DAC 204Intro Game DesignBLND  
DAC 209Intro Critical Design PracticeBLND  Held with: COMMST 149, THPERF 149
DAC 308Cinematic Art & PracticeUW  Priority enrolment for Communication Arts students.
EARTH 121Intro Earth SciencesONLN  
EARTH 123Introductory HydrologyONLN  
EARTH 221Intro GeochemistryUW  
EARTH 232Intro PetrographyUW  
EARTH 342Geomorphology & GIS ApplicUW  
EARTH 458Physical HydrogeologyUW  
EARTH 458LHydrogeology Field MethodsUW  
EARTH 490Field CourseRainforest HydrologyOFF  
EASIA 100RIntro East AsiaONLNR  
EASIA 202RChinese Culture & SocietyREN  
EASIA 203RJapanese Culture & SocietyREN  Course Cancelled
EASIA 204RKorean Culture & SocietyREN  
EASIA 337RJapanese Pop CultureREN  
ECE 102Information SessionUW  
ECE 106Electricity & MagnetismUW  
ECE 108Discrete Math & Logic 1UW  
ECE 124Digital Circuits & SystemsUW  
ECE 140Linear CircuitsUW  
ECE 192Eng Economics & Society ImpactUW  
ECE 202Information SessionUW  
ECE 203Probability Theory & Stats 1UW  
ECE 207Signals & SystemsUW  
ECE 208Discrete Math & Logic 2UW  
ECE 224Embedded Microprocessor SysUW  
ECE 252Systems Program & ConcurrencyUW  
ECE 298Instrument & Prototyping LabUW  
ECE 301Information SessionUW  
ECE 318Communication SystemsUW  
ECE 327Digital Hardware SystemsUW  Only pre-enroll into this course if you are using it as an elective or to clear a failure. 3A Computer Engineering students do not need to pre-enroll into this course as it is a core course for them.
ECE 340Electronic Circuits 2UW  
ECE 350Real-Time Operating SystemsUW  
ECE 375Electromagnetic Fields & WavesUW  Only pre-enroll into this course if you are using it as an elective or to clear a failure. 3A Electrical Engineering students do not need to pre-enroll into this course as it is a core course for them.
ECE 380Analog Control SystemsUW  
ECE 401Information SessionUW  
ECE 405AQuant Info Processing DevicesUW  1255 - Cancelled
ECE 405BFund Experimental Quant InfoUW  
ECE 414Wireless CommunicationsUW  
ECE 432Radio Freq Devices & CircuitsUW  
ECE 433Fab Tech: Micro & Nano DevicesUW  1255 - Cancelled
ECE 445Integrated Digital ElectronicsUW  
ECE 452Software Design & ArchitUW  
ECE 454Distributed ComputingUW  
ECE 455Embedded SoftwareUW  
ECE 457BComputational IntelligenceUW  
ECE 457CReinforcement LearningUW  
ECE 458Computer SecurityUW  
ECE 462Electrical Distribution SysUW  Cancelled
ECE 463Power Electronic ConvertersUW  
ECE 475Radio-Wave SystemsUW  
ECE 481Digital Control SystemsUW  
ECE 486Robot Dynamics & ControlUW  
ECE 493Special TopicsML for Chip DesignUW  
ECE 493Special TopicsOn-Chip InterconnectUW  
ECE 498AEngineering Design ProjectUW  
ECE 499Engineering ProjectUW  To go from pre-enrollment to enrollment, you must submit the ECE 499 Project Approval Form.
ECON 101Intro MicroeconomicsUW  
ECON 101Intro MicroeconomicsONLN  
ECON 102Intro MacroeconomicsUW  
ECON 102Intro MacroeconomicsONLN  
ECON 120WIntro to Microeconomics (WLU)ONLNL  
ECON 140WIntro to Macroeconomics (WLU)ONLNL  
ECON 201Microecon Theory: Bus & PolicyUW  
ECON 206Money & Banking 1UW  
ECON 207WEconomic Development (WLU)ONLNL  
ECON 211Intro Mathematical EconUW  
ECON 221Statistics for EconomistsUW  
ECON 223WEcon Cdn Banking&Fin Sys (WLU)ONLNL  
ECON 229WEconomics of China (WLU)ONLNL  
ECON 238WEnvironmental Economics (WLU)ONLNL  
ECON 239WIntro Internat'l Trade (WLU)ONLNL  
ECON 248WEconomics of Health (WLU)ONLNL  
ECON 249WInternational Finance (WLU)ONLNL  
ECON 250WInt Macroec Anlys for Mgt(WLU)ONLNL  
ECON 255Intro Econ of Nat ResourcesUW  
ECON 260WInt Microec Analysis Mgt (WLU)ONLNL  
ECON 290Choice in Competitive MarketsUW  
ECON 295WIntroductory Econometrics(WLU)WLU  
ECON 306MacroeconomicsUW  
ECON 322Econometric Analysis 1UW  
ECON 332International FinanceUW  
ECON 361Cost-Benefit Analysis & EvalONLN  
ECON 370WMicroeconomic Theory II(WLU)WLU  
ECON 371Business Finance 1UW  
ECON 393Market FailuresUW  
ECON 395WApplied Economics (WLU)WLU  
ECON 408Business CyclesUW  
ECON 467Canadian Economic HistoryUW  
ECON 483Special TopicsEconometrics and ConsultingUW  
EMLS 101ROral Comm: Academic PurposesREN  
EMLS 103REffective Engl PronunciationBLNDR  
EMLS 129RWritten Academic EnglishONLNR  
ENBUS 211Mktg for Sust ProfessionalsUW  
ENBUS 308Sust Mgmt Standards & AuditingUW  
ENGL 101AIntro Literary StudiesONLN  
ENGL 101BIntro Rhetorical StudiesONLN  
ENGL 108DDigital LivesUW  1255 - cancelled
ENGL 108DDigital LivesONLN  
ENGL 109Intro Academic WritingUW  
ENGL 109Intro Academic WritingONLN  
ENGL 119Communications (Math/Comp Sci)UW  
ENGL 193Communication in the SciencesCommunication in the Phys SciUW  
ENGL 200CEnglish Literatures 3UW  
ENGL 202AThe Bible & Literature 1ONLNJ  
ENGL 203Designing Digital MediaUW  Held with: DAC 201
ENGL 204Designing Digital VideoUW  Held with: DAC 202
ENGL 208BScience FictionUW  
ENGL 208CChildren's Literature StudiesONLN  
ENGL 210CGenres of Creative WritingUW  
ENGL 210ETech Communication GenresUW  
ENGL 210ETech Communication GenresONLN  
ENGL 210FBusiness Communication GenresONLN  
ENGL 232Graphic NarrativeSTJ  
ENGL 251Literary Theory & CriticismUW  
ENGL 251Literary Theory & CriticismONLN  
ENGL 292Rhetorical Theory & CriticismUW  1255 - cancelled.
ENGL 306AIntro LinguisticsUW  
ENGL 306AIntro LinguisticsONLN  
ENGL 309CContemporary RhetoricONLN  
ENGL 335Creative Writing 1UW  
ENGL 335Creative Writing 1ONLN  
ENGL 346American FictionUW  
ENGL 350B17th-Century Lit 2ONLN  
ENGL 363Shakespeare 2UW  Held with: ENGL 484, THPERF 387
ENGL 364Shakespeare at Stratford FestSTJ  Block Course. Location: Stratford Festival, Dates: June 2 - 14, no classes on Sundays.
ENGL 367Voice & Text: Stratford FestSTJ  Block Course. Location: Stratford Festival, Dates: June 2 - 14, no classes on Sundays.
ENGL 378Prof Comm (Stats & Actsc)STJ  
ENGL 392AInformation DesignUW  
ENGL 407Language & PoliticsONLN  
ENGL 484Topics: Medieval-Romantic LitShakespeare: Tragedy & RomanceUW  Topic: Shakespeare's Tragedies & Romances Held with: ENGL 363, THPERF 387
ENVE 121Computational MethodsUW  
ENVE 123Elec Circuits & InstrumentUW  
ENVE 153Earth EngineeringUW  
ENVE 330Lab Anal & Field Sample TechUW  
ENVE 375Physico-Chemical ProcessesUW  
ENVE 392Econ & Life Cycle Cost AnalUW  
ENVE 398SeminarUW  
ENVS 195Intro Environmental StudiesONLN  
ENVS 200Field EcologyUW  
ENVS 205Sustainability: Future We WantONLN  
ENVS 210Future StudiesONLN  
ENVS 274Env Special TopicsPower to the PedalUW  Please review prerequisites and important course information at:
ENVS 374Env Special TopicsThe Wicked Prblm of AccessbltyBLND  Consult website for more information:
ENVS 474Env Special TopicsEnergy and Society in OntarioOFF  Mandatory Information Webinar Thurs, Feb 6, 5-6pm. A link to the webinar will be sent to students who select the course on Wed, Feb 5. Course information available at:
ENVS 476BField Studies in EnvironmentOcean Sust Nova Scotia FldCrsOFF  1255 - Cancelled.
ERS 215Env & Sust Assessment 1ONLN  2nd year core ERS course
ERS 222War & the EnvironmentUW  
ERS 283Ontario Natural HistoryBLND  Field dates: June 13-21, 2025 on Bruce Peninsula. Field course fee required.
ERS 340Ecosystem AssessmentBLND  Field dates: May 5-23, 2025, daily field excursions from campus. Field course fee required
ERS 341Prof Restoration Practice 1BLND  Field dates: July 3-23, 2025, daily field excursions from campus. Field course fee required
ERS 361Food Systems & SustainabilityONLN  
ERS 403ASenior Honours ThesisUW  
ERS 403BSenior Honours ThesisUW  
FINE 204Topics: Studio PracticeWalking ArtUW  
FINE 221Acrylic & Mixed MediaUW  
FINE 243Topics: Experiential LearningOFF  
FINE 252Religion in Popular FilmONLNR  
FINE 257Video, Media & Digital TurnUW  
FINE 343Topics: Experiential LearningOFF  
FR 151Basic French 1ONLN  
FR 152Basic French 2ONLN  
FR 192AFrench Language 1: Module 1ONLN  
FR 192BFrench Language 1: Module 2ONLN  
FR 203Intro French PhoneticsUW  
FR 251French Language 2: Module 1ONLN  
FR 252French Language 2: Module 2ONLN  
FR 296Culture & Lit: Origins to 1715ONLNJ  
FR 403Topics: LinguisticsUW  
GBDA 301Global Digital Project 1UW  
GBDA 303Data & SocietyUW  
GBDA 305Global Development & BusinessUW  
GBDA 310Adv User Exp Dsgn & ResearchUW  
GBDA 311Intro Business FinancialsUW  
GBDA 312InternshipUW  
GC 280SWJewish Community Music (WLU)WLU  
GENE 101Strategies for Acad SuccessUW  
GENE 120First-Year Eng SeminarUW  
GENE 301Special Directed StudiesUW  
GENE 303International Studies in EngUW  
GENE 315Directed Studies: Non-TechUW  
GENE 397Engineering Study AbroadOFF  
GENE 401Special Directed StudiesUW  
GENE 403Interdiscipl Design Project 1UW  
GENE 415Directed Studies: Non-TechUW  
GENE 503Directed Studies: Visiting StuUW  
GEOE 121Computational MethodsUW  
GEOE 123Elec Circuits & InstrumentUW  
GEOE 153Earth EngineeringUW  
GEOE 353Geotechnical Engineering 1UW  
GEOE 392Econ & Life Cycle Cost AnalUW  
GEOE 398SeminarUW  
GEOG 102Global Environmental SystemsONLN  
GEOG 181Designing Effective MapsONLN  
GEOG 202Geography of Global EconomyUW  
GEOG 207Climate Change FundamentalsONLN  
GEOG 209HydroclimatologyUW  
GEOG 219How Pandemic Change WorldONLN  
GEOG 225Global Environment & HealthONLN  
GEOG 270Remote Piloted Aircraft (RPAS)UW  Held with AVIA 270
GEOG 349Urban Form & Space StructureUW  
GEOG 361Food Systems & SustainabilityONLN  
GEOG 381Advanced GISUW  Held With PLAN 381
GEOG 411The Digital EconomyUW  
GEOG 426Development GeographiesUW  
GEOG 459Energy & SustainabilityUW  1255 - cancelled.
GEOG 481GIS ProjectUW  Held With PLAN 481
GEOG 490AHonours Thesis PreparationUW  Held With GEOG 490B
GEOG 490BHonours Thesis CompletionUW  Held With GEOG 490A
GLST 388WField Course Global Stud (WLU)WLU  
GSJ 260Social Determinants of HealthUW  
HEALTH 105Mental Health LiteracyONLN  
HEALTH 395Study AbroadOFF  
HEALTH 490Interdisciplinary Health TopicThe Wicked Prblm of AccessbltyBLND  Held With: ARTS 390 LEC 001 Held With: ENVS 374 LEC 001 Held With: GENE 399 LEC 001 Held With: MTHEL 398 LEC 001 Held With: SCI 300 LEC 001
HIST 205History of Western SportONLN  Held With: REC 202 LEC 081
HIST 232A History of Peace MovementsONLNG  Held with: PACS 203
HIST 247Mennonite History: A SurveyONLNG  
HIST 275Modern World: Hist PerspectiveUW  
HIST 315US & the WorldUW  
HIST 391Special TopicsCold War Espionage - SeminarSTJ  Topic: Cold War Espionage Course will be taught in a seminar format
HIST 398Directed StudiesHistory and Memory in BerlinOFF  
HIST 422Special TopicsHistory of DeathUW  TBA
HLTH 230Intro Health InformaticsUW  
HLTH 260Social Determinants of HealthUW  Cross-listed with GSJ 260 LEC 001
HRM 200Basic Human Resources MgmtUW  
HRM 200Basic Human Resources MgmtONLN  
HRM 305Health & SafetyUW  
HRM 307Labour RelationsUW  
HRM 400Hon Sem: Special Topics in HRMUW  
HRTS 101Intro Human RightsONLNT  
INDEV 476Contemp Issues in Dev PractONLN  
INDG 228Indigenous Political ThoughtONLN  
INDG 272Indigenous Communities IssuesUTD  Block course. Course ends June 12, 2025
ITAL 101Intro Italian Language 1ONLNJ  
ITAL 102Intro Italian Language 2ONLNJ  
ITALST 100Understanding Modern ItalyONLNJ  
ITALST 265The MafiaSTJ  
JAPAN 101RFirst-Year Japanese 1REN  JAPAN 101R is not open to students with native, near-native or similar advanced ability. Students with knowledge of the Japanese language, please contact for an assessment.
JAPAN 102RFirst-Year Japanese 2REN  JAPAN 102R is not open to students with native, near-native or similar advanced ability. Students with knowledge of the Japanese language who have not taken JAPAN 101R or JAPAN 111R, please contact for an assessment.
JAPAN 201RSecond-Year Japanese 1REN  JAPAN 201R is not open to students with native, near-native or similar advanced ability. Students with knowledge of the Japanese language who have not taken JAPAN 102R or JAPAN 112R, please contact for an assessment.
JAPAN 202RSecond-Year Japanese 2REN  JAPAN 202R is not open to students with native, near-native or similar advanced ability. Students with knowledge of the Japanese language who have not taken JAPAN 201R, please contact for an assessment.
JS 235Jesus: Life & LegacyONLNG  Held with: RS 235
KIN 100Regional Human AnatomyUW  
KIN 100LRegional Human Anatomy LabUW  
KIN 204Assessment & PrescriptionUW  
KIN 204LAssessment & Prescription LabUW  
KIN 221Advanced BiomechanicsUW  
KIN 221LAdvanced Biomechanics LabUW  
KIN 232Research Design & StatisticsUW  
KIN 391Research ApprenticeshipUW  Department Consent Required
KIN 431Research ProposalKinesiologyUW  Department Consent Required
KIN 431Research ProposalApplied Sport SciencesUW  Department Consent Required
KIN 431Research ProposalErgonomicsUW  Department Consent Required
KIN 431Research ProposalRehabilitationUW  Department Consent Required
KIN 431Research ProposalGerontologyUW  Department Consent Required
KIN 431Research ProposalNutritionUW  Department Consent Required
KIN 431Research ProposalMotor Control and LearningUW  Department Consent Required
KIN 431Research ProposalMovement DisordersUW  Department Consent Required
KIN 431Research ProposalAnatomyUW  Department Consent Required
KIN 431Research ProposalOccupational HealthUW  Department Consent Required
KIN 431Research ProposalSports MedicineUW  Department Consent Required
KIN 431Research ProposalPsych of Physical ActivityUW  Department Consent Required
KIN 431Research ProposalSociology of Physical ActivityUW  Department Consent Required
KIN 431Research ProposalNeuroscienceUW  Department Consent Required
KIN 431Research ProposalExercise PhysiologyUW  Department Consent Required
KIN 431Research ProposalBiochemistryUW  Department Consent Required
KIN 431Research ProposalBiomechanicsUW  Department Consent Required
KIN 432Research ProjectKinesiologyUW  
KIN 432Research ProjectApplied Sport SciencesUW  
KIN 432Research ProjectErgonomicsUW  
KIN 432Research ProjectRehabilitationUW  
KIN 432Research ProjectGerontologyUW  
KIN 432Research ProjectNutritionUW  
KIN 432Research ProjectMotor Control and LearningUW  
KIN 432Research ProjectMovement DisordersUW  
KIN 432Research ProjectAnatomyUW  
KIN 432Research ProjectOccupational HealthUW  
KIN 432Research ProjectSports MedicineUW  
KIN 432Research ProjectPsych of Physical ActivityUW  
KIN 432Research ProjectSociology of Physical ActivityUW  
KIN 432Research ProjectNeuroscienceUW  
KIN 432Research ProjectExercise PhysiologyUW  
KIN 432Research ProjectBiochemistryUW  
KIN 432Research ProjectBiomechanicsUW  
KIN 433Senior EssayKinesiologyUW  Department Consent Required
KIN 433Senior EssayApplied Sport SciencesUW  Department Consent Required
KIN 433Senior EssayErgonomicsUW  Department Consent Required
KIN 433Senior EssayRehabilitationUW  Department Consent Required
KIN 433Senior EssayGerontologyUW  Department Consent Required
KIN 433Senior EssayNutritionUW  Department Consent Required
KIN 433Senior EssayMotor Control and LearningUW  Department Consent Required
KIN 433Senior EssayMovement DisordersUW  Department Consent Required
KIN 433Senior EssayAnatomyUW  Department Consent Required
KIN 433Senior EssayOccupational HealthUW  Department Consent Required
KIN 433Senior EssaySports MedicineUW  Department Consent Required
KIN 433Senior EssayPsych of Physical ActivityUW  Department Consent Required
KIN 433Senior EssaySociology of Physical ActivityUW  Department Consent Required
KIN 433Senior EssayNeuroscienceUW  Department Consent Required
KIN 433Senior EssayExercise PhysiologyUW  Department Consent Required
KIN 433Senior EssayBiochemistryUW  Department Consent Required
KIN 433Senior EssayBiomechanicsUW  Department Consent Required
KIN 472Directed StudyKinesiologyUW  Department Consent Required
KIN 472Directed StudyNutritionUW  Department Consent Required
KIN 472Directed StudyErgonomicsUW  Department Consent Required
KIN 472Directed StudyRehabilitationUW  Department Consent Required
KIN 472Directed StudyPsych of Physical ActivityUW  Department Consent Required
KIN 472Directed StudySociology of Physical ActivityUW  Department Consent Required
KIN 472Directed StudyAnatomyUW  Department Consent Required
KIN 472Directed StudyOccupational HealthUW  Department Consent Required
KIN 472Directed StudySports MedicineUW  Department Consent Required
KIN 472Directed StudyNeuroscience 2UW  Department Consent Required
KIN 472Directed StudyNeuroscience 1UW  Department Consent Required
KIN 472Directed StudyExercise Physiology 2UW  Department Consent Required
KIN 472Directed StudyExercise Physiology 1UW  Department Consent Required
KIN 472Directed StudyBiomechanics 2UW  Department Consent Required
KIN 472Directed StudyBiomechanics 1UW  Department Consent Required
KOREA 101RFirst-Year Korean 1REN  Not open to students with native, near-native or similarly advanced ability. Students with knowledge of Korean language, please contact for an assessment.
KOREA 102RFirst-Year Korean 2REN  
LS 101Intro Legal StudiesONLNJ  
LS 229Topics: CriminologyONLNJ  Held with SOC 229
LS 271Conflict ResolutionONLNG  Held With: PACS 202
LS 273Children's Rights in CanadaONLNR  Held with SDS 210R
LS 283Business LawONLN  Held with: AFM 231
LS 306Juvenile JusticeUW  Held with SOC 306
LS 327Policing in a Democratic SocONLNJ  Held with: SOC 327
LS 351Philosophy of LawUW  
LS 402Legal Authority & SubjectivityONLNJ  
LS 422Violent Extremism & TerrorismUW  
LS 496Special TopicsHealth, Surveillance, and LawUW  Held with: SOC 430
MATBUS 371Intro Corporate FinanceUW  
MATBUS 471Fixed Income SecuritiesONLN  
MATH 106Applied Linear Algebra 1ONLN  
MATH 115Linear Algebra (Eng)UW  
MATH 117Calculus 1 (Eng)UW  
MATH 118Calculus 2 (Eng)UW  
MATH 119Calculus 2 (Eng)UW  
MATH 127Calculus 1 (Sci)UW  
MATH 127Calculus 1 (Sci)ONLN  
MATH 128Calculus 2 (Sci)UW  
MATH 128Calculus 2 (Sci)ONLN  
MATH 135Algebra (Honours)ONLN  
MATH 136Linear Algebra 1 (Honours)UW  
MATH 136Linear Algebra 1 (Honours)ONLN  
MATH 137Calculus 1 (Honours)ONLN  
MATH 138Calculus 2 (Honours)UW  
MATH 138Calculus 2 (Honours)ONLN  
MATH 207Calculus 3 (Non-Spec)UW  
MATH 218Differential Equations (Eng)UW  
MATH 225Applied Linear Algebra 2UW  
MATH 228Diff Equations (Phys & Chem)ONLN  
MATH 235Linear Algebra 2 (Honours)UW  
MATH 235Linear Algebra 2 (Honours)ONLN  
MATH 237Calculus 3 (Honours)UW  
MATH 237Calculus 3 (Honours)ONLN  
MATH 239Intro CombinatoricsUW  
MATH 245Linear Algebra 2 (Adv)UW  
MATH 247Calculus 3 (Adv)UW  
ME 100BSeminarUW  
ME 101Intro Practice 2UW  
ME 115Material Struct & PropsUW  
ME 123Electrical EngineeringUW  
ME 200BSeminarUW  
ME 203Ordinary Differential EquationUW  
ME 212DynamicsUW  
ME 220Mech of Deformable Solids 2UW  
ME 250Thermodynamics 1UW  
ME 262Microprocessors & Digi LogicUW  
ME 300ASeminarUW  
ME 303Adv Engineering MathematicsUW  
ME 321Machine & Mech Vibration DynamUW  Two sections, one for ME, one for MTE
ME 340Manufacturing ProcessesUW  
ME 351Fluid Mechanics 1UW  
ME 354Thermodynamics 2UW  
ME 400ASeminarUW  
ME 423Mechanical Design 2UW  
ME 435Industrial MetallurgyUW  
ME 436Welding & Joining ProcessesUW  
ME 456Heat Transfer 2UW  
ME 459Energy ConversionUW  
ME 481Design Project 1UW  
ME 548Num Control of Machine Tools 1UW  Enrollment cap 40
ME 559Finite Element MethodsUW  
ME 561Fluid Power Control SystemsUW  
ME 566Computational Fluid DynamicsUW  
ME 572Building Energy AnalysisUW  
MGMT 220Entrepreneur & Creative WorkplUW  
MGMT 244Principles of MarketingUW  
MGMT 244Principles of MarketingONLN  
MNS 201LMaterials & Nanosciences LabUW  
MNS 221Physics & Solid StateUW  
MNS 321Electr & Optic Prop of MtlsUW  
MSE 200BSeminarUW  
MSE 211Organizational BehaviourUW  
MSE 245Databases & Software DesignUW  
MSE 253Probability & Statistics 2UW  
MSE 261Eng Economics: Fin MgmtUW  
MSE 263Managerial EconomicsUW  
MSE 311Organizational Design & TechONLN  
MSE 331Intro OptimizationUW  
MSE 391Work-Term ReportONLN  
MSE 392Work-Term ReportONLN  
MSE 400ASeminarUW  
MSE 401Design Project 1UW  
MSE 434Supply Chain ManagementUW  
MSE 436Decision Support SystemsUW  
MSE 442Impact Info Sys on Orgs & SocUW  
MSE 442Impact Info Sys on Orgs & SocONLN  
MSE 446Introduction Machine LearningUW  
MSE 452Dec Making Under UncertaintyUW  
MSE 491Work-Term ReportONLN  
MSE 531Stochastic Process/Dec MakingUW  
MSE 543Analytics & User ExperienceUW  
MTE 100BSeminarUW  
MTE 111Material Struct & PropsUW  
MTE 119StaticsUW  
MTE 120CircuitsUW  
MTE 140Algorithms & Data StructuresUW  
MTE 200BSeminarUW  
MTE 203Advanced CalculusUW  
MTE 204Numerical MethodsUW  
MTE 220Sensors & InstrumentationUW  
MTE 241Comp Struct & Real-Time SysUW  
MTE 252Linear Systems & SignalsUW  
MTE 300ASeminarUW  
MTE 309Intro Thermodyn & Heat TransfUW  
MTE 320Actuators & Power ElectronicsUW  
MTE 321Design & Dynamics of MachinesUW  
MTE 325Microprocessor Sys & InterfaceUW  
MTE 351Systems ModelsUW  
MTHEL 206Intro Mathematics EducationUW  
MTHEL 398Topics 3Future Cities CapstoneUW  
MUSIC 100Understanding MusicCGC  
MUSIC 116Music EnsembleCGC  Audition required. Contact Music Department prior to the first day of class.
MUSIC 117Music EnsembleCGC  Audition required. Contact Music Department prior to the first day of class.
MUSIC 140Popular Music & CultureCGC  
MUSIC 216Music EnsembleCGC  Audition required. Contact Music Department prior to the first day of class.
MUSIC 217Music EnsembleCGC  Audition required. Contact Music Department prior to the first day of class.
MUSIC 226Music StudioCGC  Audition and department consent required. Contact Music Deparment prior to first day of class.
MUSIC 227Music StudioCGC  Department consent required.
MUSIC 246Soundtracks: Music in FilmCGC  
MUSIC 270Music Theory 1CGC  A basic knowledge of scales, triads, and music notation is required.
MUSIC 316Music EnsembleCGC  Audtion required
MUSIC 317Music EnsembleCGC  Audition required
MUSIC 326Music StudioCGC  Department consent required
MUSIC 327Music StudioCGC  Department consent required
MUSIC 380Directed StudyCGC  Department consent required.
MUSIC 381Directed StudyCGC  Department consent required.
MUSIC 416Music EnsembleCGC  
MUSIC 417Music EnsembleCGC  
MUSIC 426Music StudioCGC  Department consent required
MUSIC 427Music StudioCGC  Department consent required
MUSIC 428Music StudioCGC  Department consent required.
MUSIC 491Senior Research ProjectCGC  
MUSIC 492Senior Honours ThesisCGC  Department consent required.
NE 217Adv Calculus & Num Methods 2UW  
NE 225Nanomaterials: Struct & PropUW  
NE 226Characterization of MaterialsUW  
NE 226LLab Characterization MethodsUW  
NE 242Semiconductor Physics & DeviceUW  
NE 281BiologyUW  
NE 318Continuum MechanicsUW  
NE 320LCharacter of Materials LabUW  
NE 332Quantum MechanicsUW  
NE 333Macromolecular ScienceUW  
NE 340LMicrofab & Thin-Film Tech LabUW  
NE 343Microfabrication & Thin-filmUW  
PACS 201Roots of Conflict/Viol/PeaceONLNG  
PACS 202Conflict ResolutionONLNG  
PACS 203A History of Peace MovementsONLNG  Held with: HIST 232
PACS 314Restorative Just/Transform EdCGC  
PACS 390InternshipOFF  Department consent required.
PACS 391Conflict Resolution SkillsWorkshop 1CGC  
PACS 391Conflict Resolution SkillsWorkshop 2CGC  
PACS 395Travel CourseCGC  
PACS 398Directed ReadingsCGC  Department consent required.
PACS 399Directed ReadingsCGC  
PACS 490Special TopicsResurge, Respect, ReconcileBLNDR  Held with: SWREN 490 Topic: Resurge, Respect, Reconcile
PD 1Career FundamentalsONLN  Reserved for Non-Engineering only. To be taken only during an academic term.
PD 4TeamworkONLN  Reserved for co-op and EDGE students only. Co-Op students - To be taken only during a scheduled work term
PD 7Conflict ResolutionONLN  Reserved for co-op and EDGE students only. Co-Op students - To be taken only during a scheduled work term
PD 9Ethical Decision MakingONLN  Reserved for co-op and EDGE students only. Co-Op students - To be taken only during a scheduled work term
PD 10Professional Resp in ComputingONLN  Reserved for co-op and EDGE students only. Co-Op students - To be taken only during a scheduled work term
PD 11Technical Report WritingONLN  Reserved for co-op students only. Not open to EDGE students. Co-Op students - To be taken only during a scheduled work term Core required course for Math/SCI co-op students
PD 12Critical ReflectionONLN  Reserved for co-op students only. Not open to EDGE students. Co-Op students - To be taken only during a scheduled work term Core required course for Arts/Health/ENV co-op students
PD 13Research in the WorkplaceONLN  Reserved for co-op and EDGE students only. Co-Op students - To be taken only during a scheduled work term
PD 19Tactics for Workplace SuccessONLN  Reserved for Engineering Students only (excluding Architecture) To be taken only during a scheduled work term. Anit-requisite to PD21.
PD 20Strategies for Career SuccessONLN  Reserved for Engineering Students only (excluding Architecture) To be taken only during a scheduled work term
PD 22Eng Professionalism & EthicsONLN  Reserved for co-op students only. Not open to EDGE students. Co-Op students - To be taken only during a scheduled work term.
PHIL 100JIntro PhilosophySTJ  
PHIL 101Challenging Ideas: Intro PhilUW  
PHIL 121Moral IssuesUW  
PHIL 145Critical ThinkingSTJ  
PHIL 145Critical ThinkingONLN  
PHIL 201Philosophy of Sex & LoveONLN  
PHIL 215Professional & Business EthicsONLN  (held with ARBUS 202)
PHIL 226Biomedical EthicsUW  
PHIL 246Scientific RevolutionsUW  
PHIL 256Intro Cognitive ScienceONLN  (held with PSYCH 256)
PHIL 283Great Works: Ancient & MedvlONLN  (held with CLAS 261)
PHIL 324Social & Political PhilosophyONLN  
PHIL 327Philosophy of LawUW  
PHYS 112Physics 2UW  
PHYS 112Physics 2ONLN  
PHYS 112LPhysics 2 LabUW  
PHYS 115MechanicsUW  
PHYS 122Waves, Electricity & MagnetismONLN  
PHYS 234Quantum Physics 1UW  
PHYS 242Electricity & Magnetism 1UW  
PHYS 242LElectricity & Magnetism LabUW  
PHYS 260LIntermediate Physics LabUW  
PHYS 263Class Mech & Spec RelUW  
PHYS 267Prob, Stats & Data AnalysisUW  
PHYS 270LAstronomical Observations LabUW  
PHYS 280Intro BiophysicsUW  
PHYS 342Electricity & Magnetism 2UW  
PHYS 358Thermal PhysicsUW  Held with ECE 403
PHYS 360AModern Physics Lab 1UW  Held with PHYS 360B Held with PHYS 460A Held with PHYS 460B
PHYS 360BModern Physics Lab 2UW  Held with PHYS 360A Held with PHYS 460A Held with PHYS 460B
PHYS 363Intmd Classical MechanicsUW  
PHYS 364Mathematical Physics 1UW  
PHYS 380Molecular & Cellular BiophysUW  
PHYS 437AResearch ProjectONLN  
PHYS 437BResearch Project (Continued)ONLN  
PHYS 460AAdvanced Laboratory 1UW  Held with PHYS 360A Held with PHYS 360B Held with PHYS 460B
PHYS 460BAdvanced Lab 2UW  Held with PHYS 360A Held with PHYS 360B Held with PHYS 460A
PLAN 346Advanced Tools for PlanningUW  
PLAN 349Urban Form & Space StructureUW  
PLAN 350Planning Research MethodsUW  
PLAN 381Advanced GISUW  It is recommended that students completing a GIS Diploma or specialization take this course this term.
PLAN 408Urban Design SeminarUW  
PLAN 414Heritage Conservation PlanningUW  
PLAN 440Urban ServicesUW  
PLAN 443Ethno-Culture Diversity & DiffONLN  
PLAN 481GIS ProjectUW  It is recommended that this course is taken in the Winter term.
PLAN 484Physical Infrastruct PlanningUW  
PLAN 490Senior Honours EssayUW  
PMATH 321Non-Euclidean GeometryUW  
PMATH 330Intro Mathematical LogicONLN  
PMATH 332Applied Complex AnalysisUW  held with: AMATH 332
PMATH 336Intro Group Theory w/ ApplicUW  
PMATH 340Elementary Number TheoryUW  
PMATH 347Groups & RingsUW  
PMATH 348Fields & Galois TheoryUW  
PMATH 351Real AnalysisUW  
PMATH 352Complex AnalysisUW  
PMATH 450Lebesgue Integ & Fourier AnalUW  held with PMATH 650
PMATH 464Intro Algebraic GeometryUW  
PSCI 228Indigenous Political ThoughtONLN  
PSCI 231Government & BusinessUW  
PSCI 257Intro Middle East PoliticsUW  
PSCI 348Protest, Movement, RevolutionUW  
PSCI 439Global Social PolicyUW  
PSYCH 101Intro PsychologySTJ  
PSYCH 101Intro PsychologyONLN  
PSYCH 207Cognitive ProcessesONLN  
PSYCH 256Intro Cognitive ScienceONLN  Spaces will be reserved for those officially enrolled in the Psych Major and Psych Minor, as well as those doing degrees by online study. PSYCH 256 is held with PHIL 256.
PSYCH 257PsychopathologySTJ  Spaces will be reserved for those officially enrolled in the Psych Major and Psych Minor.
PSYCH 261Physiological PsychologyONLN  
PSYCH 264Research ApprenticeshipUW  Your enrolment will occur when your course application is approved by the Associate Chair. To enroll, complete the course application:
PSYCH 292Basic Data AnalysisONLN  
PSYCH 317Child PsychopathologyUW  
PSYCH 350Political PsychologyUW  
PSYCH 354RInterpersonal RelationsONLNR  
PSYCH 390Topics: Nat Sci Adv Res MethBrain Research using EEG/ERPUW  Co-op students have priority to take PSYCH 390 in the spring term.
PSYCH 390Topics: Nat Sci Adv Res MethBiology and BehaviourUW  Co-op students have priority to take PSYCH 390 in the spring term.
PSYCH 444RPsychological InterventionsONLNR  
PSYCH 455Hons Sem: Social PsychUW  
PSYCH 464Adv Research ApprenticeshipUW  Your enrolment will occur when your course application is approved by the Associate Chair. To enroll, complete the course application:
PSYCH 470Topics: Applied PsychologySpecialTpcs in Human ResourcesUW  
PSYCH 480Directed StudiesUW  Directed Studies. Your enrolment will occur when your course application is approved by the Associate Chair. To enroll, complete the course application:
PSYCH 481Directed Stud: Nat SciUW  Directed Studies. Your enrolment will occur when your course application is approved by the Associate Chair. To enroll, complete the course application:
PSYCH 482Directed Stud: Soc SciUW  Directed Studies. Your enrolment will occur when your course application is approved by the Associate Chair. To enroll, complete the course application:
PSYCH 483Directed Stud: Nat Sci ResUW  Directed Studies. Your enrolment will occur when your course application is approved by the Associate Chair. To enroll, complete the course application:
PSYCH 484Directed Stud: Soc Sci ResUW  Directed Studies.Your enrolment will occur when your course application is approved by the Associate Chair. To enroll, complete the course application:
PSYCH 485Directed Studies: SeminarUW  Directed Studies. Your enrolment will occur when your course application is approved by the Associate Chair. To enroll, complete the course application:
PSYCH 486Directed Studies: Adv StatsUW  Directed Studies. Your enrolment will occur when your course application is approved by the Associate Chair. To enroll, complete the course application:
PSYCH 499AHonours Thesis - Part 1UW  Enrollment instructions: You must attend the Honours Thesis Orientation Meeting the first week of the term.
PSYCH 499BHonours Thesis - Part 2UW  Discuss with the thesis supervisor regarding whether or not you should enrol in PSYCH 499A and PSYCH 499B concurrently. See the PSYCH 499 website: for the responsibilities for PSYCH 499B.
PSYCH 499CHonours Thesis - Part 3UW  See
REC 100Intro Rec & Leisure StudiesONLN  
REC 200Play, Creativity & Child DevUW  
REC 202History of Western SportONLN  Cross-listed with HIST 205 LEC 081
REC 251Dev & Emotional DisabilitiesONLN  
REC 253Therapeutic Rec PracticumUW  Department Consent Required
REC 272Leisure Special Topics 2Positive Youth DevelopmentUW  Department Consent Required
REC 280Intro TourismONLN  
REC 312Practicum: Rec/Sport/TourismUW  Department Consent Required
REC 405Leisure & Well-BeingUW  
REC 422Urban RecreationUW  
REC 425Heritage Conservation PlanningUW  Cross-listed with PLAN 414LEC 001
REC 450Therapeutic Rec InternshipUW  Department Consent Required
REC 471AHonours Thesis ProposalUW  Department Consent Required
REC 471BHonours ThesisUW  Department Consent Required
REC 475Ind Study: Tr Res for PractBusiness ManagementUW  Department Consent Required
REC 475Ind Study: Tr Res for PractEvent ManagementUW  Department Consent Required
REC 475Ind Study: Tr Res for PractSport ManagementUW  Department Consent Required
REC 475Ind Study: Tr Res for PractLeisure & Well-BeingUW  Department Consent Required
REC 475Ind Study: Tr Res for PractUrban & Municipal RecreationUW  Department Consent Required
REC 475Ind Study: Tr Res for PractTourism/Commercial RecreationUW  Department Consent Required
REC 475Ind Study: Tr Res for PractParks & Outdoor RecreationUW  Department Consent Required
REC 475Ind Study: Tr Res for PractHuman Development & TRUW  Department Consent Required
REC 475Ind Study: Tr Res for PractCultural Policy/Leis BehaviourUW  Department Consent Required
RS 100Religions of AsiaONLNG  
RS 121EvilONLNJ  
RS 235Jesus: Life & LegacyONLNG  Held with: JS 235
RS 266Death & DyingUTD  
RS 270Religion in Popular FilmONLNR  
RS 398Directed ReadingsTo be announcedSTJ  
RS 398Directed ReadingsTo be announcedCGC  
RS 498Directed ReadingsCGC  
SCI 238Intro AstronomyUW  
SCI 300Special Topics in ScienceBLND  
SCI 397Science Study Abroad ProgramOFF  department consent required
SDS 131RPolitical Ideologies & Soc DevONLNR  
SDS 150RLifespan ProcessesONLNR  
SDS 210RChildren's Rights in CanadaONLNR  Held with LS 273
SDS 220RChanging Concepts of ChildhoodONLNR  
SDS 250RSocial StatisticsONLNR  
SDS 251RSocial ResearchONLNR  
SDS 331RSocial Inequal/Justice/ActionONLNR  
SDS 355RResilience & Social SupportONLNR  
SDS 425REquity & EducationONLNR  
SE 202SeminarUW  
SE 401SeminarUW  
SE 463Software Req Specif & AnalysisUW  
SE 490Design Project 1UW  
SE 499ProjectUW  
SFM 201Social Issues SustainabilityUW  
SFM 301Enterprise Carbon AccountingUW  
SFM 309Sustainability & Bus EthicsUW  
SFM 311Social Regulation & PolicyUW  
SFM 328Sust Int Consulting: JrUW  Please be aware an interview/application process may apply for enrollment. If pre-enrolling, you will not automatically be enrolled as you may need to go through an interview process.
SFM 329Sust Int Consulting: SrUW  Please be aware an interview/application process may apply for enrollment. If pre-enrolling, you will not automatically be enrolled as you may need to go through an interview process.
SFM 401Social & Human Capital AcctUW  
SFM 402Sustainability AccountingUW  
SFM 411Sust Regulation & PolicyUW  
SFM 412Investor BehaviourUW  
SMF 101Relationships & FamiliesONLNJ  
SOC 101Intro SociologyONLN  
SOC 229Topics: CriminologyONLNJ  Held with SOC 229
SOC 248Health, Illness & SocietyONLN  
SOC 306Juvenile JusticeUW  Held with LS 306
SOC 327Policing in a Democratic SocONLNJ  Held with: LS 327
SOC 330Special TopicsSociology of CultureONLN  
SOC 418Social Theory & Pop CultureUW  
SOC 430Special TopicsHealth, Surveillance, and LawUW  Held with: LS 496
SOCWK 120RIntro Social WorkONLNR  
SOCWK 220RIndividuals: Theory & Pract 1ONLNR  
SOCWK 221RSocial Work with GroupsONLNR  
SOCWK 222RCommunity OrganizationONLNR  
SOCWK 300RCanadian Social Welfare PolicyONLNR  
SOCWK 301RUnderstand Diversity in CanadaONLNR  
SOCWK 321RSocial Work with FamiliesONLNR  
STAT 230ProbabilityUW  
STAT 231StatisticsUW  
STAT 330Mathematical StatisticsUW  
STAT 331Applied Linear ModelsUW  
STAT 332Sampling & Experimental DesignUW  
STAT 333Stochastic Processes 1UW  
STAT 334Prob Models (Bus & Acct)UW  
STAT 337Intro BiostatisticsUW  
STAT 340Stochastic Simulation MethodsUW  
STAT 341Computational Stats & AnalysisUW  
STAT 371Lin Models & Process ImproveUW  
STAT 372Sample & Exp Dsgn (Bus)UW  
STAT 430Experimental DesignUW  Held with STAT 830
STAT 431Gen Linear Models & ApplicUW  
STAT 440Computational InferenceUW  Held with STAT 840
STAT 443ForecastingUW  
STAT 444Stat Learning: Adv RegressionUW  Held with STAT 844
STAT 468Readings 1Intro Sports Perf AnalysisUW  
STV 202Design & SocietyUW  
STV 205Cybernetics & SocietyUW  
STV 302Info Technology & SocietyUW  
STV 305Tech, Society & Modern CityUW  
STV 400Senior ProjectUW  
SWREN 490RSpecial Topics in Social WorkResurge, Respect, ReconcileBLNDR  
SYDE 102SeminarUW  Only available to 1B SYDE students
SYDE 112Calculus 2UW  Only available to 1B SYDE students
SYDE 114Matrices & Linear SystemsUW  Only available to 1B SYDE students
SYDE 162Human Factors in DesignUW  Only available to 1B SYDE students
SYDE 192Digital SystemsUW  Only available to 1B SYDE students
SYDE 192LDigital Systems LabUW  Only available to 1B SYDE students
SYDE 223Data Structures & AlgorithmsUW  Only available to 1B SYDE students
SYDE 301SeminarUW  Only available to 3A SYDE students
SYDE 311Adv Engineering Math 2UW  Only available to 3A SYDE students
SYDE 351Systems Models 1UW  Only available to 3A SYDE students and TRON students
SYDE 361Meth 1: Analysis & PrototypeUW  Only available to 3A SYDE students
SYDE 381ThermodynamicsUW  Only available to 3A SYDE students
SYDE 383Fluid MechanicsUW  Only available to 3A SYDE students
THPERF 149Intro Critical Design PracticeBLND  Held with: COMMST 149, DAC 209
THPERF 200Theatre & Perf in ContextUW  Topic: Staging Science; for Science and Arts students
THPERF 220Performance StudiesUW  Held with: COMMST 220
THPERF 387Shakespeare 2UW  
TPM 1X000Technical PresentationUW  
WKRPT 100Work-term ReportUW  
WKRPT 200Work-term ReportUW  
WKRPT 300Work-term ReportUW  
WKRPT 400Work-term ReportUW  

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