The University of Waterloo

Schedule of Classes

See our online resource to assist you with understanding how to read the Schedule of Classes results table.

Your selection was:
Level: Graduate , Term: 1251 , Subject: QIC , Course Number:

Subject Catalog# Units Title
QIC 750 0.5 Quantum Info Processng Devices
Class Comp Sec Camp Loc Assoc. Class Rel 1 Rel 2 Enrl Cap Enrl Tot Wait Cap Wait Tot Time Days/Date Bldg Room Instructor
5807 LEC 001 UW U 1   45 41 0 0 08:30-09:50MF
Held With: ECE 676 LEC 001   
Held With: PHYS 768 LEC 001   
Subject Catalog # Units Title
QIC 845 0.5 Open Quantum Systems
Class Comp Sec Camp Loc Assoc Class Rel 1 Rel 2 Enrl Cap Enrl Tot Wait Cap Wait Tot Time Days/Date Bldg Room Instructor
8040 LEC 001 UW U 1   10 8 0 0 10:00-11:20TTh
Held With: AMATH 876 LEC 001   
Held With: PHYS 768 LEC 002   
Subject Catalog # Units Title
QIC 861 0.5 Lab Photonic Quantum Tech
Class Comp Sec Camp Loc Assoc Class Rel 1 Rel 2 Enrl Cap Enrl Tot Wait Cap Wait Tot Time Days/Date Bldg Room Instructor
5811 LAB 001 UW U 1   7 5 0 0 01:00-03:50W
Held With: PHYS 761 LAB 001   
Subject Catalog # Units Title
QIC 863 0.5 Ind. Project in Quantum Tech
Class Comp Sec Camp Loc Assoc Class Rel 1 Rel 2 Enrl Cap Enrl Tot Wait Cap Wait Tot Time Days/Date Bldg Room Instructor
5812 PRJ 001 ONLN ONLINE 1   7 0 0 0
Held With: PHYS 763 PRJ 001   
Subject Catalog # Units Title
QIC 885 0.5 Applied Quantum Mechanics
Class Comp Sec Camp Loc Assoc Class Rel 1 Rel 2 Enrl Cap Enrl Tot Wait Cap Wait Tot Time Days/Date Bldg Room Instructor
8844 LEC 001 UW U 1   20 2 0 0 08:30-09:50TTh
Held With: ECE 677 LEC 001   
Subject Catalog # Units Title
QIC 890 0.5 Topics in Quantum Information
Class Comp Sec Camp Loc Assoc Class Rel 1 Rel 2 Enrl Cap Enrl Tot Wait Cap Wait Tot Time Days/Date Bldg Room Instructor
8046 LEC 001 UW U 1   10 9 0 0 01:00-02:20MF
Topic: Spin-based QI Processing  
Held With: CHEM 740 LEC 002   
8199 LEC 002 UW U 2   15 15 0 0 10:00-11:20MW
Topic: The Theory of Entanglement  
Held With: AMATH 900 LEC 003   
8973 LEC 003 UW U 3   8 0 0 0 04:00-05:20M
Topic: Superconducting Quant Circuits04:00-05:20M
Held With: ECE 405D LEC 001 04:00-05:20M
Held With: ECE 730 LEC 003 04:00-05:20M

Information last updated: 2025/3/2